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Dental Implants – Collegeville, PA

Using the Latest Techniques to Restore Your Smile


The modern dental implant treatment has been around for decades. Over that time, it has been nearly perfected, and now boasts an impressive 98 percent success rate. Not only do dental implants in Collegeville restore your smile, but they also prevent bone deterioration, changing facial structure, and several other long-term negative effects caused by tooth loss. To learn whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants in Collegeville, PA, we welcome you to schedule a consultation by contacting our dental office today.

Why Choose The Dental Spot of Collegeville for Dental Implants?

  • Entire Procedure Conducted In One Location
  • Can Replace One or All Missing Teeth
  • Lifespan of 35+ Years with Routine Maintenance

What is a Dental Implant?

Animated tooth and dental implant supported replacement tooth

A dental implant is a small, titanium post that is surgically inserted below the gum line to hold a restoration securely in place. Due to titanium’s biocompatible properties, it’s able to naturally fuse with your jawbone just like the natural roots of your teeth. This helps stimulate your jawbone growth, keeps your facial structure from changing, and prevents declining oral health. Once you’ve healed from your surgery, a customized dental crown, bridge, or denture can be attached to your implants to secure them in your mouth and complete your smile.

The 4 Step Dental Implant Process

Dentist holding model of dental implant in Collegeville

Unlike dentures and dental bridges, getting dental implants requires a multi-step process that takes several months. This may seem like quite a bit of time, but after you consider the long-term benefits, you will see that they are well worth the wait. We complete the entire implant process in our office. While every patient’s treatment is unique, here are the 4 main steps that you can expect during the process of restoring your smile with dental implants.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Woman at dental implant consultation

The first step when it comes to restoring the appearance and function of your smile is to schedule your consultation with us. At this time, we will examine your smile and surrounding facial structures. This will allow up to determine whether or not dental implants are an ideal option for you, as well as where and how the implants should be placed. Some people need to undergo preliminary treatments before they can get dental implants. This includes bone grafting, gum disease treatment, and tooth extractions. Once these treatments are complete, we can move on to planning the rest of your implant treatment. We’d be happy to walk you through the process, including the timeline and cost.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist performing surgery

The first step when it comes to restoring the appearance and function of your smile is to schedule your consultation with us. At this time, we will examine your smile and surrounding facial structures. This will allow us to determine whether or not dental implants are an ideal option for you, as well as where and how the implants should be placed. Some people need to undergo preliminary treatments before they can get dental implants. This includes bone grafting, gum disease treatment, and tooth extractions. Once these treatments are complete, we can move on to planning the rest of your dental implant treatment. We’re happy to walk you through the process, including the timeline and cost.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

Digital illustration of dental implant in Denver

Dental implant placement surgery is relatively straightforward. After we numb your mouth with a local anesthetic, a small incision will be made into the gum tissue to access your jawbone. The implants will then be placed at precise locations and angles. Lastly, your gums will be closed up, and protective caps will be placed over the dental implant posts to keep them safe during the healing process.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Man smiling at dentist

A few weeks after your abutment has been placed, your restoration should be ready to go. You can return to the practice where you will receive your new crown, bridge, or denture (depending on the number of teeth you are having replaced). At this point, we make sure that your bite is comfortable, and you will be sent on your way to enjoy all the benefits of your restored smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Woman sharing beautiful smile after dental implant tooth replacement

Dental implants have become one of the most popular solutions for missing teeth. In fact, over 500,000 are placed every year! Whether you’re missing one tooth, several teeth, an entire arch, implants are an excellent way to complete your smile. Because of their unique placement inside the jawbone, they offer a wide range of benefits that you just can’t get with options like dentures and dental bridges. If you’d like to learn more about how they can improve your quality of life, continue reading or call our office to speak directly with a member of our team !

Day-to-Day Benefits

patient smiling after getting dental implants in Collegeville

One of the advantages of getting dental implants in Collegeville is that they allow you to enjoy life to the fullest. You can make the most out of your new smile with these benefits:

  • Regained ability to eat most foods. Since dental implants replace the entire missing tooth structure from the root up to the chewing surface, they’re highly stable unlike dentures and dental bridges. As a result, implants can withstand the chewing of essentially any food.
  • Increased confidence. Once implants integrate with the jawbone, they’ll stay firmly in place. That means you can eat, speak, and smile with complete confidence once again!
  • Easier to practice good oral hygiene. Believe it or not, caring for dental implants is as easy as caring for natural teeth. All you have to do is brush, floss, and rinse as you normally would. Practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly will ensure your newly rebuilt smile stays in its very best shape for a lifetime!

Health Benefits

older couple exercising together

Although dental implants are known for improving appearance, they also offer some incredible health benefits, including:

  • Jawbone preservation. Since dental implants stimulate the jawbone, they help prevent bone loss that’s extremely common after tooth loss. Additionally, implants help maintain the face’s overall shape for years to come!
  • Protection for natural teeth. If you have missing teeth, your teeth will naturally shift to fill in the gaps. Luckily, dental implants serve as a placeholder to ensure every tooth stays exactly where it belongs.
  • Improved overall health. Studies have revealed a correlation between tooth loss and an increased risk of multiple diseases. Because dental implants are so similar to natural teeth, it’s safe to assume that they can help lower your risk of certain health issues.

Long-Term Benefits

older couple smiling together

With dental implants, you can enjoy the following long-term benefits:

  • High success rate. Dental implants have an impressive success rate of about 90-95%. The good news is that they’re still proven to be successful and effective even 20 years after they’ve been placed.
  • Youthful appearance. Because dental implants stimulate blood flow in the jaw, they prevent its deterioration, helping you avoid the sunken, aged look that’s common after tooth loss.
  • Long-lasting results. Unlike dentures and dental bridges, implants will not need to be replaced every few years. In fact, they can last for decades (sometimes even a lifetime) with proper care and maintenance!

Who Dental Implants Can Help

An older man talking on the phone after seeing his dental implant dentist in Collegeville

The best way to find out whether dental implants are right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Plasha, a dental implant dentist in Collegeville. You’ll be pleased to learn that most adults who are missing one or more teeth are eligible for treatment. Even if problems exist in the beginning, it is likely we will be able to recommend a safe and effective preliminary treatment that will create a more suitable environment for your future dental implants. If you’re ready to learn if you are a qualified candidate for these permanent prosthetics, keep reading the information below. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our office.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

An older woman with red hair admires her smile in the mirror after receiving her dental implants in Huntington Beach

During your visit, our team will examine your situation, take X-rays of your mouth, and walk you through all of your tooth replacement options. Typically, we want to make sure that our candidates for implants have a dense enough jawbone, are dedicated to maintaining good oral health, and don’t have any untreated health issues that could impact their ability to heal properly after their surgery. We’ll also want to make sure that you do not show any signs of tooth decay or gum disease, as these can be problematic when attempting to have dental implants put into place.

Based on our findings, we’ll then outline a customized treatment timeline for you and explain what implant restoration works best in your case. If you’re concerned you will not qualify, make an appointment with Dr. Plasha anyway. With a thorough review of your oral cavity and facial structure, we will be able to determine if you require any preliminary treatments or if you can move forward with dental implant surgery.

Missing 1 Tooth

A single dental implant in Collegeville located in the lower arch of the mouth

With more than 120 million people living with at least one missing tooth, replacing it is easier than ever with a single tooth dental implant. Instead of relying on a traditional dental bridge that alters your adjacent healthy teeth, a single implant post can restore the gap left behind by your missing tooth. To restore your smile, we can place a single implant post below the gumline. Once you’ve healed from the surgery, we’ll attach a small, metal connector piece called an abutment to the implant. This will hold a customized dental crown in place that will fill the space between your teeth.

Missing Multiple Teeth

A digital image showing a dental implant bridge sitting in the lower arch in Collegeville

If you’re missing multiple consecutive teeth, we can place an implant bridge that’s secured to two dental implants instead of your existing teeth. We’ll surgically insert two implants at either end of the gap in your smile. Once you’ve healed from your procedure, we’ll secure the bridge to the implants, requiring no alteration to your healthy teeth. If your teeth are not consecutively missing, an implant partial can be created to fit like a puzzle piece, giving you the full, complete look you deserve.

Missing All Teeth

A digital scan of four dental implants on the lower and upper arches of the mouth and full dentures attached in Collegeville

If you are missing all your teeth, it can be a challenge to eat, speak, or smile. Fortunately, you do not need to settle for traditional dentures that only rest on top of your gums. Instead, we can restore an entire arch of missing teeth by securing an implant denture using about four to eight dental implants in Collegeville depending on the density of your jawbone. This will eliminate any slipping or shifting when you eat or speak.

Start-to-Finish Convenience

Man and woman laughing together after dental implant tooth replacement

Dr. Bradford Plasha has the advanced training that allows him to complete the entire dental implant procedure under one roof, including the placement surgery. That means that you’ll be able to stick with the same, trusted team of professionals that you started your treatment with. It also makes the entire process more convenient because you won’t have to worry about traveling to multiple dental offices.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Man and woman smiling after dental implant tooth replacement

The overall cost of getting dental implants in Collegeville varies significantly from person to person. That’s primarily because each treatment is custom-tailored to each patient’s individual needs. Once our team determines how many dental implants you’ll need to have placed, what restoration you require, and other cost-determining factors, we’ll be able to go over the price of your treatment and walk you through all of your payment options. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us during your consultation!

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

patient getting dental implants in Collegeville

Some patients may need preliminary dental work (i.e., gum disease therapy, tooth extractions, bone grafting) before dental implant placement. Although they will add to the overall cost of your treatment, the procedures are necessary to ensure the success of your new smile. The good news is that most of these services are partially covered by dental insurance. It’s worth noting that dental implants surgery has a cost of its own, which is usually affected by the location of the surgical site and the type of sedation needed. Since the entire treatment is completed under one roof, you don’t have to worry about working with an outside provider and paying a different practice for the surgery.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

dental implant in Collegeville

Did you know that the parts of your dental implant affect the overall cost? That includes:

  • Number of Implants – Replacing one missing tooth with a dental implant will cost less than 4-6 for an implant denture. However, an implant denture will be more cost-effective than replacing each tooth separately.
  • Type of Restoration – Crowns, bridges, and dentures each cost a different amount. Of course, the smaller they are, the more affordable they’ll be.
  • Material – Some dental implants are made of zirconia instead of titanium, which can affect the total price.
  • Brand – Different manufacturers make dental implants differently to cater to the needs of each patient. The manufacturer you choose will affect the amount you end up paying.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

patient smiling after getting dental implants in Collegeville

You may be tempted to replace your missing teeth with dentures or dental bridges because of their lower price. However, while dental implants are more costly, they end up paying for themselves in the long run. For instance, you won’t need to replace them every few years like you would with other tooth-replacement options. You also don’t need to buy special pastes, solutions, or adhesives to take care of your new smile. Because implants are easier to maintain, you can avoid severe oral health issues that will require expensive care down the line.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

dental insurance form on table

Although most dental insurance plans won’t cover dental implants, there are some exceptions. For example, certain parts of your final restoration or preliminary treatments may be eligible for coverage. Before committing to anything, our team will review the details of your policy to help you figure out how to maximize your benefits.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

dental professional explaining financing options

At The Dental Spot of Collegeville, there are a few ways we can make the total cost of your treatment more affordable. We currently have a special of $2,199 for an implant and crown. For that price, you’ll receive a consultation, X-rays, an abutment, and a dental crown. Additionally, we have two financing options that can make your dental bills easier to manage. Those include:

  • In-Office Membership Plan – For one annual fee, you’ll get the preventive dental care you need and a 20-30% discount on multiple treatments, including dental implants.
  • CareCredit Financing – This option allows you to split up the total cost of your treatment into smaller, budget-friendly monthly installments.

Maintaining & Caring For Your Dental Implants

An older woman wearing a purple striped shirt is smiling after receiving her dental implants in Collegeville

Proper dental implant care in Collegeville is imperative if you want your new smile to look and feel its best for a lifetime. Understanding how to brush and floss as well as how to protect against potential damage can ensure that your prosthetics remain in optimal condition for years to come. Not to mention, a healthy diet and eliminating bad habits are equally as important. This is why the team at The Dental Spot is here to provide some helpful tips and tricks to making life after dental implant placement a breeze. Should you review the following list and have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Making Oral Hygiene a Priority

An older woman wearing a cream blouse and brushing her teeth in her bathroom in Collegeville

Dental implants are highly durable, but they can fail if you neglect your oral hygiene routine. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing are pivotal components of maintaining all smiles, which is why you will need to make sure you are committed long before you undergo oral surgery. While it is true that dental implants cannot decay, the teeth around them certainly can. Your soft oral tissues can also develop gum disease if you’re not careful, which can negatively impact the future of your implants. Keeping up with your oral hygiene routine is one of the most guaranteed ways you can ensure the lifespan of your new smile.

Eating a Healthy Diet

An older woman eating a salad while seated on the floor next to an exercise ball in Collegeville

Who doesn’t love a cookie or slice of pie? While these are fine in moderation, it’s best to not make them a regular part of your daily diet. Sugar and starch can spell disaster for your real and artificial teeth, especially if you develop tooth decay or gum disease. Nutritious foods like lean proteins, leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, and dairy can help build stronger tooth enamel, ensure optimal gum health, and minimize your risk for systemic diseases that can weaken your immune system and put your dental implants at risk for failure.

Breaking Bad Habits

The image of a hand smashing a carton of cigarettes in Collegeville

You may not even realize it, but if you practice poor lifestyle habits, it’s time to break them once and for all. Smoking, using tobacco products, nail-biting, eating ice, chewing on inanimate objects, and using your teeth as tools can damage your dental implants in Collegeville, resulting in more time and money being spent to fix them. Bad habits can hinder the investment you’re making in your new smile, so why not get ahead of the problem before you even start the process? If you need help to quit smoking, find a cessation group or resources to kick the habit. If you are tempted to chew on a pen or pencil, keep sugarless gum in your pocket or nearby drawer. In doing so, you’ll better protect your teeth.

Protecting our Dental Implants

A middle-aged woman inserts a mouthguard to better protect her natural teeth and dental implants in Collegeville

Another way to safeguard your dental implants is to wear a mouthguard. Your implant dentist in Collegeville can provide you with a customized oral appliance that you can wear while playing sports or throughout the night if you are prone to bruxism (teeth grinding). No matter the reason for a mouthguard, these unique devices can minimize the potential harm that can come from excessive wear and tear or even a foul ball. As a result, you’ll be able to embrace a smile that looks and feels its best year-round.

Scheduling Regular Dental Checkups

An older woman listens as her dental hygienist shows her how to take proper care of her dental implants in Collegeville

Your dentist is your ally, and if you want to make sure that your dental implants do not possess any flaws or damage, it’s best to keep your regularly scheduled dental checkups and cleanings. These visits will allow your trusted dental professional to examine your real and artificial teeth as well as closely evaluate the status of your jawbone and other oral structures to ensure they are working effectively to support your implants and customized restoration.

Dental Implant FAQs

Man driving car with dental implants in Collegeville

Do you have questions about your upcoming treatment with dental implants in Collegeville? If so, you’re not alone. Even after the initial consultation and explanation of the full process, you’re likely to think of situations or circumstances that didn’t come to mind before. Fortunately, at The Dental Spot, our team is here to put your mind at ease and provide the clarification and answers you need. Below is a list of common questions asked by previous patients. If you don’t see yours listed, please contact our office to schedule an appointment today.

How long do dental implants last?

It is not uncommon for dental implants to last at least 30 years or more. Depending on how well you take care of and maintain your prosthetics, it is possible that they can last a lifetime! This is why it’s essential that your brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, floss at least once a day, and rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash regularly. You’ll also need to see your implant dentist in Collegeville every six months for dental checkups and cleanings. If you want to better protect your dental implants, it’s best if you avoid sticky or hard foods and never use your teeth as tools to open a package or container.

Does getting dental implants hurt?

When undergoing dental implant surgery, you will first receive local anesthesia to thoroughly numb your mouth and prevent any pain throughout your procedure. If necessary, you can inquire about sedation as well, to ensure you remain comfortable and relaxed. Typically, the surgical procedure will not cause any discomfort; however, you can expect to experience some level of discomfort after the anesthesia wears off. In the days following your surgery, it’s best if you take an over-the-counter pain reliever and use a cold compress to minimize swelling and pain. If you begin to experience worsening discomfort after a few days, make sure to call our office.

How successful are dental implants?

When placed by a trusted implant dentist, dental implants are known to have a success rate of more than 95%. This percentage is dependent, however, on how well you take care of your new prosthetics through good oral hygiene, regular dental checkups, a healthy diet, and proper mouth protection. The level of success can also be determined by the location of your dental implant within your mouth. Because molars that are replaced by dental implants bear the brunt of your chewing and eating, it may be more likely for these teeth to fail than those located toward the front of your mouth.

Am I too young to get dental implants?

It is true that most patients under the age of 18 are not eligible to receive dental implants. The reason for this is that their jaws are typically not fully developed yet. If permanent prosthetics are put into place before this process is complete, it may cause problems with bone development. Some dentists may not agree to place dental implants in individuals who are in their mid-20s simply because jawbone development can continue until then.

Will People Be Able to Tell That I Have Dental Implants?

If you’re worried that those around you will be able to tell you have dental implants, don’t worry – they won’t! Since each dental implant is custom-made just for you, the size, shade, and shape will blend in flawlessly with your surrounding teeth. If you’ve lost all of your teeth, then a brand-new smile will naturally gain some attention. However, the dental implants themselves won’t be bulky, obtrusive, or awkward. Instead, they’ll be lifelike, durable, and long-lasting!

How Can I Tell If My Dental Implant Is Failing?

With over a 95% success rate, dental implant failure is extremely low. With that being said, it is possible for it to “fail” in the short or long term. That’s why it’s so important that you get in touch the moment you experience pain around the dental implant, inflamed gums, and other abnormal symptoms. The sooner you do, the sooner we can pinpoint the root of the problem and address it.

Can I Get Dental Implants If I Smoke?

In your research, you may have read that smoking increases your risk of dental implant failure. This is certainly true, but tobacco use doesn’t immediately disqualify you from the procedure – candidates are determined on a case-by-case basis. Across the board, however, it’s recommended that you refrain from smoking for at least two weeks beforehand and continue to do so for a least 2-3 months after. Since this is a lengthy period of time, it’s a great opportunity to kick the habit altogether!

Do I Need a Bone Graft Before Getting Dental Implants?

It’s possible! The answer will of course depend on your unique dental needs. If you’ve been struggling with tooth loss for an extended period of time, then there is a good chance your jawbone has atrophied. If it has, a bone graft can strengthen your bone to ensure the dental implants can be accommodated.

What Can Cause Dental Implants to Fail?

The two most common causes of dental implant failure are peri-implantitis and failed osseointegration. Peri-implantitis is a type of gum disease that damages the bone and gums supporting your dental implant. Failed osseointegration, on the other hand, is when the jawbone and implant don’t fuse together properly. Certain health conditions (like cancer), chronic teeth grinding, poor dental hygiene, and tobacco use can result in dental implant failure as well.

What Should I Do If My Dental Implant Feels Loose?

If your dental implant feels loose, do your best not to panic. Instead, call your dentist ASAP. Do not attempt to “wait it out” or fix it on your own. This will only exacerbate the problem. Scheduling a same-day appointment with your dental team is the best way to ensure you get the treatment you need as soon as possible.